By Raquel Herrera Garcia, Bartender/Infusionista, Ibiza

A grandiose variation of the classic Mojito recipe…
Level of difficulty – Easy to medium

• 14 fresh mint leaves
• 1 teaspoon of white cane sugar
• 1 cucumber slice, quartered
• 5 cl LAW – The Gin of Ibiza
• 3 cl lime juice, freshly squeezed
• 2 cl limoncello
• 4 cl soda water
• Crushed ice

Glass – Highball

Garnish – Fresh mint 

Preparation – Clap the mint between your hands and put it into the glass together with the sugar and cucumber. Mortar gently with the pestle and add LAW, lime juice, limoncello and soda water. Fill up with crushed ice and stir. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.